Thursday, August 27, 2009

∆eremy Polgar Fanart

Now I know this sucks but I tried kinda.....
Jeremy you have the most amazing lines and poses of ladies EVAR!
I don't do dynamic.... :(


  1. Thas cuz you draw from Mountain Power and Jeremy draws from Skateboard Action Power.

    Other Powers:
    David Dudley draws from Couch-Fort Power
    David Woo is wearing Samourai Armor every time he draws (you can actually see this sometimes when he sits a certain way)
    Mike Maloney draws from Dad Hug Power
    I draw from Tree Power

    We're all different, but we're all very powerful!

  2. We should develop some kinda some kind of league like the super friends!

  3. Oh yeah Carol definitely draws from Jem power.

  4. That's because Carol is truly truly outrageous. I think I'm going to do some Polgar fan art.

  5. Dude! I just saw this for the first time. I dig your shapes and the quick energy that went into this lil' doodle. I likes her face. I feel flattered.

    Marnie has the dopest illustrations EVOR!
